BSL learner resources

The following online resources are available for students of BSL:

BSL Homework

Helps you to practice what you have learned in the classroom and to prepare for upcoming assessments. It contains over 500 short stories in BSL, quiz questions to test you, and filmed assessment examples and tips. BSL Homework also comes with a BSL dictionary of over 2,500 individual signs so if you are having trouble remembering a sign, you can login and find it instantly. BSL Homework is the perfect resource for anyone studying British Sign Language at either Level 1 or Level 2.

Link to BSL Homework


A unique set of learning resources specifically designed to provide an inclusive approach to learning communication and language. Learning is centred on the adventures of three friendly aliens (Zip, Pella and Statz) as the visit planet Earth. They use aspects of British Sign Language in their adventures to convey and explain the world around them.

Link to SignSpell

Signature Shop

The Signature Shop is stocked with books and DVDs. With over 30 years experience Signature has developed a range of resources to help you get the most out of your course. They are easy to follow and will help to build on what you are learning in the classroom.

Link to Signature Shop

If you can't find the information you need then please contact us.

Alternatively if you have an idea for BSL CENTRAL, something you'd like to see on the site, then there is a suggestions form on the home page of this site. The best suggestions will receive a years free access to BSL Homework!